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What is Sri Pitchika Sominaidu Memorial Trust ?

Sri Pitchika Sominaidu Memorial Trust we aim to help orphans all over the Telangana & Andhra Pradesh.To relieve their suffering and to give them a brighter future. We want to “send them a little hope

Every day over 100 children are orphaned, these children desperately need our help. We understand that we cannot help everyone, but by helping rebuild and renovating orphanages giving orphans a safe place to stay can mean all the difference to those most in need.

We aim to raise the standard of living for orphans around the world by providing clean water, proper sanitation, medication, clothing and education, this will allow all orphans to realize their birthright of living a happy life by developing their potential and paving their way to adulthood.

We see education as the road to lead orphans out of the life of hardship and will put great emphasis on learning through play, and vocational training which will see children ready to enter adulthood and provide for themselves and their families.

Only education can end this cycle, which sees generation after generation living in such terrible conditions. Children are our future, so with your help and generosity we can ensure that orphans will see a better tomorrow.

 Our Vision


To grant wishes that will give hope to children and youth in need in communities across Telangana & Andhra Pradesh.

 Our Mission

To generate resources through fundraising initiatives and community partnerships, and use those funds to make an impact in the lives of children.

To attract volunteers and partners who are passionate about helping children achieve their hopes, dreams and full potential.

To transform communities through helping children, youth and their families who need support.



Copyrights @ 2023 Sri Pitchika Sominaidu Memorial Trust